Here are some statistics on the current San Antonio market:
As of February 5th, we have 10,715 single family homes in all price ranges.
-1962 are under $100,000
-2182 are between $100 - 149,999
-1935 are between $150 - 199,999
-1186 are between $200 - 299,999
-936 are between $300 - 399,999
-524 are between $400 - 499,999
-The remaining 1166 are between $500,000 - $5 Million
For Most home buyers the primary price range is between $125 - 200,000. This is also the largest inventory range as well. However, this range also sells the quickest and has the lowest inventory of approximatley 5 months, compared to 40 months for some of the highest priced homes.
Once our government figures out whether we get tax credits or tax incentives (not repayable), it will be time to take a serious look at buying. Call and we can discuss the options!