Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Economic Stimulus Update

Here is an update on the Housing Stimulus Package in Congress. You may want to contact your Congressional Rep or Senator to state your support, or not.

A huge incentive would be to eliminate the repayment provision for the $7500 home buyer credit! Read on for more:

U.S. House passes stimulus packageLast Wednesday, the United States House of Representatives passed on a largely partisan vote of 244-188, HR 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The economic stimulus bill, as the legislation is more commonly known, contains a number of key provisions:

-Restoration of the 2008 loan limits for FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac to 125% of median home price up to a limit of $729,750
-Elimination of the repayment provision of the $7,500 first-time homebuyer tax credit
-Expansion of tax-exempt housing bonds
-Increased funding for the Rural Housing Service Program
-Additional funding for neighborhood stabilization activities under the Community Development -Block Grant Program
-Incentives to promote weatherization and energy efficiency
-Retrofitting federally assisted housing for energy efficiency
-An expansion of the Hope VI low-income housing construction and rehabilitation program

The House has also addressed a number of housing issues in legislation revamping the Trouble Asset Relief Program. Among the housing provisions of interest in the TARP Reform and Accountability Act of 2009, HR 384, are:
-A mortgage buy-down program to reduce rates below current prevailing market rates
-Increased foreclosure prevention and mitigation efforts
-Ensuring liquidity in the residential and commercial mortgage markets
-Streamlining efforts to unclog the credit markets and increase the availability of credit to worthy customers

Once the Senate passes a measure, the differences with the House version will be worked out in a conference committee.