Yes, investors with quality in mind and a realistic view of our housing market are coming back. Here in the greater San Antonio area, houseing prices are holding steady, and more people are forced to rent for a variety of reasons. This makes for an attractive combination to an investor with a minimum of 20% or more down payment.
Although we don't have quite the number of foreclosures that some areas of the country have, we do have a nice selection for investment or as move in homes. These are often a good way to start the investment portfolio, but buyers need to have patience as it can take weeks just get the contract approved with some lender owned properties. HUD and VA properties normally are easier to work with as they have established process' in place.
With the increase in our military presence and continued growth in the general business sectors, we have a need for quality rentals that are priced to support the local needs. For example, a $130,000 house will not rent for $1600/month. Even with lots of upgrades most homes in this price range will rent for $950 - $1200, depending on location and condition.
So, if you want to make 5% or so on your money and have some future appreciation in the real estate market, now is a good time to consider investing in rental properties. And if the trends are any indication, the professionals are already out there looking.