Wow! I've been trying to make sense of the wild market activity of late, but just can't. It seems that when the "housing bubble" started to burst a year or so agaon, a lot of smart folks tried to point out potential evils and fixes to them. Of course we are in a very charged Presidential campaign, so if a good idea emerges that can't be tied to a Red or Blue candidate, then it is doomed until after the elections. Problem is, we are living the spectacular bust while the campaigns run on.
So, as the Dow jumps and dives hundreds of points daily, as oil is coming down for now, and as commodity prices are staying put for a short time, why can't we find a few good ideas and put them to work? Well, I think the programs put into action the last couple of weeks are just what is needed. But our society has gotten used to immediate gratification and results, so when it takes a little time ( a few months maybe more) to see positive results, the media tells us that the programs are not working and we fall over trying to pass blame and find a new idea that will provide that short term fix.
In the meantime, people are still working, we still have clients looking for homes and the prices are still solid in our area. So, when you are tired of watching the Dow, talking politics, and you want to put your money in a great investment, call us and we'll get you in the real estate market here where the sun shines brighter and things are not as gloomy as Washington and the other media haunts!